Give Me Scotland

22 07 2010

The Reformer John Knox prayed: “Give me Scotland or I die!” No wonder Mary, Queen of Scots, declared that she was more afraid of the prayers of John Knox than of an army of ten thousand.  She knew that a spiritual revolution is more dangerous than any military or political power.

Our country needs a Jesus revolution.  Our city needs a spiritual revolution.  God loves America.  God loves Colorado Springs.  He is always ready to bring a mighty revolution of love.  He is looking for men and women who have His passion for the poor, the lost, the hurting, and unloved.  For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. (2 Chron. 16:9)  The Lord is ready to support and strengthen men and women of prayer and action who long for the kingdom, who pray “Thy kingdom come,” rather than “my will be done.”  The eyes of the Lord are searching our city for such a people.  The eyes of the Lord are searching across our nation for churches made up of people who long for the glory of God.

George Whitefield, the great evangelist of the 18th century, once prayed, “O Lord, give me souls or take my soul.”  This passion led to a great revolution in England that then spilled over into America.  It was said that the Spirit of God so moved during the preaching of Whitefield that hundreds would fall down and weep under conviction of sin.  His was a heart aflame with passion and holy zeal for the glory of God and the name of Jesus.  God used such a man to bring a great spiritual revolution to America.

The Lord is always ready to use like-hearted men and women to transform our cities with the glory and honor of Christ.  It will take regular folks who have an irregular love for Jesus.  It will take normal people who don’t believe in a normal God.  It will take natural men and women who truly have faith in a supernatural Lord.  It will require us to be a people of prayer and action.

I came across an old prayer of a Danish pastor named Kaj Munk.  Rev. Munk was killed by the Nazi Gestapo in January 1944 and these words beside his Bible were found after his death,

What is, therefore our task today?  Shall I answer: ‘faith, hope, and love?’ that sounds beautiful.  But I would say—courage.  No, even that is not challenging enough to be the whole truth.  Our task today is recklessness.  For what we Christians lack is not psychology or literature…we lack…the recklessness which comes from the knowledge of God and humanity.  To rage against complacency.  To restlessly seek to change human history until it conforms to the norms of the kingdom of God.  And remember the signs of the Christian church have been the Lion, the Lamb, the Dove, and the Fish…but never the chameleon.”1

We need a courageous faith and a reckless love.  In an age of such compromise and complacency, the eyes of the Lord are indeed searching El Paso County for normal people who are being filled with His courage and love and are willing to be His revolutionaries.  Start today.  Give to someone who is in need.  Love someone with an act of kindness.  Pray for someone who is hurting.  Start a revolution.

1 Shane Claiborne, The Irresistible Revolution, Zondervan 2006, p. 294-5.